Extreme Stress Inhibits Healing

stress Mar 05, 2024
Extreme stress will inhibit healing and the 'kill effect' during protocol

Did you know that gut microbes modulate stress through the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis? This is a huge component to gut health and healing. Extreme stress will always inhibit healing!

In fact, we know that certain bacterial overgrowth occur during stressful times. It’s important when assessing your patient that you include questions around trauma, stress, and loss as we know these affect the gut microbiome. You will be better equip to support your patient during protocol if you have a thorough history.

This is one of the reasons we have included an entire section and downloadable protocol in our Mastering GI Mapping course around how to support your clients with stress and emotions while they are on protocol!

What have you seen with your clients in this area? What questions do you have around this topic?

Ready to transform your practice? It's time to level up with DNA-based GI-MAP testing! Unlock the secrets of the gut microbiome and say goodbye to guesswork. Learn more on our free webinar.

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