From Traditional Nursing to Holistic Wellness

practitioner stories Jun 17, 2024
From Traditional Nursing to Holistic Wellness

So, when you love the human body, you naturally go into a healthcare field. That’s exactly what I did. I started out in nursing, then went on to get a master’s in critical care. I worked in critical care for over 14 years. During that time, I loved working with people who were sick because my dream was to help them achieve a higher state of wellness and to return them to that.

The Shift: From Treating Symptoms to Pursuing True Wellness

As the years went on, it began to feel like I wasn’t achieving that goal. Instead, I was just putting a band-aid on symptoms and problems. Oftentimes, it even became my job to help patients die. Through that frustration, about ten years ago, I started to study health and food nutrition. This was a pivotal moment for me.

I started to live a double life. We made significant changes in our food program at home, and my husband went along on the ride with me. I began using a lot of natural products and lifestyle supplements, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was actually helping people be well. This transition made me realize that I couldn't stand by and watch people die anymore. It was just too painful.

Embracing a Holistic Approach

I had to cross that chasm or I would never truly live in my truth of what I believe wellness is. Once I shifted my focus to what I knew I was being called into, doors began to open. I would help someone and have these amazing experiences with them. Their gratitude towards me was so great that it restored the healthcare soul in me, which I felt I had lost before.

"Their expression of gratitude towards me was so great. It would sort of restore the healthcare soul in me that I felt like I had lost before."

What I did before in critical care was great, and it was the right thing to do for people at that stage in their lives, but now my dreams have become much bigger. My intention now, having seen both sides of healthcare and alternative health practices, is to emphasize that we shouldn’t have to choose one over the other. They're both necessary at different times in our lives for various problems that we face, and how blessed are we that we have access to both!

Integrating Conventional Medicine and Functional Health

My experience with both fields has led me to a profound understanding of health and wellness. Conventional medicine plays a crucial part in dealing with severe and immediate health crises. On the other hand, holistic health practices and functional lab tests, such as the GI-MAP®, offer insights into chronic issues and help in achieving long-term wellness.

The Importance of Gut Health

One of the key aspects I’ve found in helping people achieve wellness is focusing on gut health. Many chronic issues often have roots in the gut, and by using functional labs like the GI-MAP, we can obtain a detailed look at what’s happening inside. This in-depth analysis helps in forming a personalized approach to health and nutrition, which is far more effective than a one-size-fits-all solution.

Becoming a GI-MAP Practitioner

To further my impact, I underwent more training. This allowed me to combine my nursing knowledge with functional health practitioner training, providing a comprehensive approach to my clients' health plans. My goal is to help clients navigate their health journey with more tools and understanding, focusing not just on treating symptoms but on achieving overall wellness.

A Holistic Path Forward

My journey from critical care nursing to holistic wellness has been transformative. By integrating modern medicine with alternative practices and focusing on gut health, I’ve been able to help people in ways I never thought possible. It’s a privilege to witness the profound changes in my clients, and I am committed to this path of holistic health and functional lab testing.

"My intention now related to both fields… is that we shouldn’t choose one or the other. They’re both necessary at different times in our lives for various problems that we have, and how blessed are we that we have access to both of them."

By embracing both functional labs and wellness care practices, I believe we can all truly achieve a higher state of wellness.

The primary goal of our signature training is to equip wellness providers with the knowledge and skills to harness the GI-MAP test's insights with every client that comes to them for help. 

I created the Mastering GI Mapping training because I fundamentally believe that by educating others on the value of the data from this test, we can collectively make a formidable impact in the digestive and overall health of people worldwide.

Eliza Bacot is the founder and lead instructor for our signature program, Mastering GI Mapping. Join our free webinar to learn more about our unique training program. Discover how this course can equip you with the skills to impact your clients' digestive health profoundly.

Connect with Eliza

Ready to transform your practice? It's time to level up with DNA-based GI-MAP testing! Unlock the secrets of the gut microbiome and say goodbye to guesswork. Learn more on our free webinar.

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