Please Read Carefully


In consideration for my being able to participate in the care and treatment of gastrointestinal mapping course, I, course participant, (hereinafter “Participant”) agree to the following Waiver and Release from Liability, Hold Harmless, and Indemnification Agreement (hereinafter “Waiver
of Liability”):

I acknowledge that homeopathic medical treatment has inherent risks, hazards, and unforeseen consequences for anyone which cannot be eliminated particularly if a medical physician is not consulted. I UNDERSTAND THAT THESE RISKS, HAZARDS, AND CONSEQUENCES MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING WITHOUT LIMITATION:

1. Allergic or chemical reaction to the product used.
2. Health symptoms not being completely alleviated or eliminated.
3. Any and all claims or representations made by Gut Healing, LLC, or its employees, volunteers, and members, not being partially or fully satisfactory to the Participant.

The undersigned Participant acknowledges that this Waiver of Liability (including the assumption of the risk) will be binding on all of the Participant's successors, heirs, and personal representatives.

This is a contract between Gut Healing, LLC and the Participant which is legally binding and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia with jurisdiction and venue being in Fulton
County, Georgia only.

Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Gut Healing, LLC, and/or its individual members, employees, and volunteers, as to any claim of damages, actions, causes of action, liabilities, suits by the Participant or any third party based on the use and resale of Gut Healing,
LLC's products or recommendations.

It is further understood that the undersigned Participant shall be liable for all costs and expenses of litigation including reasonable attorney's fees which are related to, arise out of, or
are in any way connected with the Participant's participation in the homeopathic course of mapping and/or treatment by Gut Healing, LLC, including but not limited to, negligence of any kind of nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, arising directly or indirectly out of any damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death to the Participant as a result of his or her engaging in these courses and recommendations of homeopathic treatment or services, whether such damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death results from negligence of Gut Healing, LLC or from some other cause.

Participant, therefore, covenants not to sue Gut Healing, LLC, or its members, employees, or volunteers, as a result of any injury, loss, paralysis, or death suffered in connection with the Participant's use of Gut Healing, LLC's products, courses of certain recommended treatments, or any other recommendations by Gut Healing, LLC.

As the undersigned Participant, I acknowledge that I have read this Waiver of Liability, understand its contents, have had the opportunity to seek independent counsel of my choice, and certify that I have freely and voluntarily executed this Waiver of Liability.

Payment Plan and Access Policy

By enrolling in a monthly payment plan for GI Mapping Courses or Community, you, the Participant, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

Should any monthly installment payment not be successfully processed on the due date, your access to the course and/or community content will be temporarily restricted. It is your responsibility to ensure that all payments are made on time to maintain uninterrupted access. In the event of a payment failure, access will be reinstated once all overdue payments have been successfully completed and your account is fully up to date.

Please ensure your payment information remains current to avoid any disruption. We understand that unexpected issues can arise; if you encounter any problems with your payment, please contact us immediately to discuss potential resolutions.

I have read and understood the above terms, and I, as the undersigned Participant, agree to it.